Claire AI+ Walkthrough

Claire AI+ Walkthrough

Claire AI+ is your AI-powered virtual assistant trained to answer frequently asked questions about your community, respond to personalized inquiries, and prompt web visitors to take lead-generating actions during a chat conversation. This walkthrough covers how to access your lead Information and marketing statistics in The Conversion Cloud app.

Main Dashboard Page

The reporting tiles at the top show the aggregate number of sessions, app interactions, conversions, and total leads from TCC modules. CLaire AI+ is shown in the bottom right in the image above. Reporting 5 leads in the specified date range. The Leads by day chart reflects 5 ChatBot leads between Dec. 11th and Dec. 13th.

Leads List and Lead Details Pages

To view the lead information and chat history, from the nav menu on left side of TCC Dashboard Main Landing Page navigate to Leads > Lead List.

Leads list

The App Touches column shows which module converted the prospect to a lead, as well as how many times the user submitted a lead to that particular module. 

Click on a lead to view the Lead Details page

Lead Details

Here we can view the lead’s contact information, location, if they opt in to receiving text messages, what device they used to submit the lead, and how many times they interacted with the application. In the App Events tab, account or property managers can view how the lead answered each question, when the lead was created, and which topics they viewed.

Click on Lead Journey to view the Lead Journey Visualizer 

Lead Journey Visualizer

In the Lead Journey tab, users can view the session and touch information for this lead, including what module they converted to a lead with, which other modules/apps they opened, how many times they interacted with it, where their device was when they converted to a lead, on which type of device they used to convert to a lead, and the date and time that they converted. Any additional sessions or touches will populate in chronological order, with the most recent touch at the top. 

To access CLarity Reporting, from the navigation menu on left side of TCC dashboard main landing page navigate to the Clarity Tab.

CLarity Attribution

CLarity reporting contains the same reporting tiles as the TCC Main Dashboard, along with a large variety of charts and graphs showcasing your TCC accounts gathered analytics and marketing data.

To select a new chart, click Edit Charts in the top right of the screen and use the checkboxes to select some or all charts

CLaire AI+ reporting charts include,

CLaire AI+ Stats

Reporting on lead counts and averages for the CLaire AI+ including,
  1. Total Leads,
  2. Total Conversations,
  3. Average Daily Conversations,
  4. Average Messages,
  5. and Transferred to Live Chat.

Chat Bot AI Peak Hours

Reports on what time site visitors are interacting with a CLaire AI+

CLaire AI+ Popular Topics

Reporting on topics used by the selected company/companies and how often each topic is being selected.

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