

Always be in the know.

The Income Calculator module notifies the team of recent customer interactions through CRM/ILM integration, email, and dashboard notifications. Configure automated emails to be sent to customers and introduce the team.

CRM, LMS, or ILM Lead Notifications

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Scroll down to and click the Company tab in the navigation menu, then click CRM Configuration.
  3. The CRM Configurations screens opens in the main window.
  4. Click the Create a New CRM Configuration button at the top of the page. 
  5. The CRM: Add New page opens. 
  6. In the dropdown, select the configuration to be created. 
  7. The CRM Configuration Details form expands.
  8. Enter a common name used to refer to the CRM/ILM in the Name field. 
  9. Complete all fields that are displayed  using the CRM Integration document associated with the company's CRM. 
  10. Click Save changes.
  11. On the side menu, click Settings.
  12. The Company Settings screen opens.
  13. Scroll down to Notification Settings.
  14. Click the drop-down arrow in the CRM Configuration field and choose the newly created CRM configuration.
  15. Click Save. 
  16. Lead details will now begin getting delivered in plain text format to the company's CRM. These often appear as guest cards. 

Email Lead Notifications

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Scroll down to and click the Company tab in the navigation menu, then click Settings.
  3. The Company Settings screens opens in the main window.
  4. Scroll down to Notification Settings. 
  5. In the Emails for Lead Notifications field, enter the email addresses of all users who should receive an email any time a customer completes a lead detail form. Separate each email address with a comma.
  6. In the Emails for Weekly/Monthly Lead Summary Emails field, enter the email addresses of all users who should receive a weekly and monthly summary indicating which customers submitted lead detail forms for each application. Weekly Lead Summary emails are sent on Mondays and include information from the past week, Monday to Monday, and the Monthly Lead Summary are sent out on the first of each month.
  7. Click Save.

Edit and Preview a Confirmation Email

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Scroll down to and click the Company tab in the navigation menu, then click Email Templates.
  3. The App Email Templates screen opens in the main window.
  4. Scroll to and locate the email template that reflects the confirmation email to be reviewed.
  5. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the title to open the email editor screen.
  6. The email preview appears to the right of the text fields.
  7. Make any edits and save. 

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