Lead Nurturing Walkthrough

Lead Nurturing Walkthrough

Lead Nurturing enables you to keep in contact with leads acquired by The Conversion Cloud. Visitors to your website who submit their contact info through The Conversion Cloud will receive either an email, text message, or both at a designated point after they convert to a lead. In Schedule Genie’s case, the lead will also receive a message after their appointment.

Setting up an Email Template
  1. Log into The Conversion Cloud.
  2. From the dashboard navigation menu located on the left side, navigate to Company > Email Templates.
  3. Click the blue Create a New Template button in the top right corner.

Next select which module type to assign to the email template and one of the two preset values. The options include Schedule Genie, Spotlight, or General.
*Email templates assigned to general can be used with either Schedule Genie or Spotlight Modules.

Once the button to create a new template is clicked, the user is delivered to the settings page of the new email template.

Fields are defined from left to right. 
  1. Title of the email template: allows users to customize the title of their email template.
  2. Inbox Details
    1. Subject: The subject line of the email.
    2. Preview Text: What is shown to the user before they click into the email.
    3. Reply-To Email: This is the email address that is listed in the reply-to section of the Company Settings page, but could be edited to another address. 
  3. Optional Sections 
This section will have different combinations of the following options for different email templates. 
    1. Hide Headline: text below the company image. When toggled on, the headline is not present in the email. 
    2. Hide Call to Action: Defaults to off, this is the button in the middle titled Call to Action in the screenshot. When toggled on, this button is not present in the email. 
    3. Hide Details: Defaults to off, this is the body section of the email. In this screenshot, it is the sections that begin with “Hello {{customerFirstName}}.” When toggled on, the body of the email is not present. 
    4. Hide Appointment Date/Time: Defaults to off, this is below the body of the email. When toggled on, the details of the lead’s appointment will not be present. 
      1. Note: This is specific to Schedule Genie. For Spotlight, this toggle is not present because the offers are not tied to appointments.
    5. Hide Appointment Address: When toggled on, the company’s address will not be present. 
    6. Hide Appointment Map: When toggled on, the map of the company’s address will not be present. 
    7. Hide iCal Links: When toggled on, the link to add this appointment to the lead’s personal calendar is not present. 
  1. SMS Alternative: If a client chooses to send drip messages via text message rather than email, this is one of two places that must be filled in in order to select this option. The other is on the Company > Drip Schedules page. Just above the SMS field, there is a dropdown that they can select placeholder information from, for example {{customerFirstName}}, {{companyAddress}}, or {{appointmentDate}}. Please note SMS alternative has a suggested 140-character limit.
  2. Send Test button: When a user clicks this button, the email address associated with the user’s account will receive a test email that matches the current state of the template. 
  3. Preview: Allows users to preview and edit certain fields that have been enabled in the template. 
Appointment Date/Time, Company Address, the Map, and iCal links can not be edited in the preview field.
  1. Logo: Can be either an image or text
    1. When the Show Logo toggle is set to active the Logo section will display the selected image, uploaded via the image uploader. 
    2. To access the image uploader, either click into the Drag n Drop box or the Choose File button. A user can upload any of the following file types: JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG. 
    3. Logo Width defaults to 154 pixels. The upload limit for images is 5MB. 
When the Show Logo toggle is set to inactive, 3 fields and a button are present. 
  1. Logo Text/Company Name: This is the text that will be displayed in the image’s place. 
  2. Logo Text Color: Currently, the options are black and white. 
  3. Text Logo Background Color: Select from any color. 
    1. If a logo background color is set, the same color will auto-populate and be available for the Call to Action Button text below.
    2. If a Call to Action button color is set, it will auto-populate under the logo’s Text Logo Background Color field.
  4. Revert to default link: Reverts to setting to default.
    1. Headline: This is the larger text below the image, intended to catch the prospect's eye as it is larger than the other text.
    2. Call to Action: This is a button intended to get the lead to interact with the website.
    3. Call to Action Button Text: The text that is placed on the button.
    4. Call to Action Link: allows users to add a URL link to the call to action.
    5. Call to Action Button Text Color: the options are black and white.
    6. Text Logo Background Color: Select from any color. If a Call to Action background color is set, the same color will auto-populate and be available for the Logo Button text below.
    7. Revert to default link: Reverts settings to default.
    8. Body: Users can click into the body of the email and update any text or placeholders.
Call to action button text has 78 character limit.

Email Drip Scheduler

  1. Open the platform.
  2. Select Lead Nurturing in the navigation menu. 
  3. When the submenu expands, select Drip Schedules
  4. Click the blue Create a Drip Schedule button in the top right corner. 
  5. Name the drip schedule, click on the application dropdown, select between the Spotlight and Schedule Genie options, and click the Create Schedule button. 

Once the user selects the application, click the Create Schedule Button.

Drip Schedule Settings

Using Schedule Genie as an example, there are two rows indicating the communication: Drips Prior To Appointment & Drips After Appointment. The difference between a Schedule Genie and a Spotlight drip is that Spotlight only has one drip after the prospect converts to a lead, whereas Schedule Genie has a pre-tour drip and a post-tour drip. 

To create the schedule, click Add New Drip Entry and select the desired email template.

Fields Defined
  1. Toggle switch: Enables drip communication. Both this toggle and the one located at the top right corner must be enabled for the communication to be sent. 
  2. Selected Email Template: This is not an editable field, but the name of the email template. 
  3. Time Before Appointment: This is the time before the appointment that the communication will be sent. The times range from 1 hour to 4 weeks. 
  4. 2 checkboxes for Email and SMS: Email is checked by default, but the SMS box will be available when the SMS field on the email template settings page has text set.
  5. Allow Catch-Up? toggle: When a lead schedules an appointment with a company after the pre-tour communication was meant to be sent out, they can toggle the feature on to ensure that they still receive all of the necessary emails or text messages.
  6. Trash can icon: This trash can icon removes this set of email and/or SMS message communication from this drip schedule.

The Drips After Appointment is for communication after the lead was scheduled to have gone on their tour. This half of the page functions just the same as the top. Once the email template is selected and saved this email template will be delivered after the prospect tours the community.
Note: Spotlight is set up slightly differently in that it has only one drip scheduler and it does not have the Allow Catch-Up? toggle, but the setup is the same.

Integrate the Drip Schedule into a Module

  1. Open the platform. 
  2. In the navigation menu, select Apps. 
  3. When the submenu populates, select either Schedule Genie or Spotlight. 
    1. If the user chooses Spotlight, they must select an existing offer or create a new one before moving on to step 4. 
  4. Scroll to the Lead Nurturing section towards the bottom of the page. 
  5. Select the drip schedule that will be integrated into this module in the Select Lead Nurturing Drip Schedule field. 
  6. Save the page.

Click on this field to access a list of the available Lead Nurturing Drip Schedules that correspond to this module. Once the drip schedule is selected and saved, the Lead Nurturing setup is complete!

The steps to set up Spotlight are the same, with the exception of adding Post-Tour communication and the ability to allow catch-up emails or text messages to be sent.

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