Platform Overview

Platform Overview

Discover where to manage the different aspects of your partner and client dashboards to create unique user experiences.

Login credentials are provided upon account creation by your Account Manager, Implementation Specialist, or through the self-service portal.

Permissions are required to complete certain actions within the dashboard and are determined by the user’s role. For more information regarding user roles and permissions, see the User Roles and Permissions page. 

Once you have uploaded your logo, it is displayed in the top left corner of the dashboard. The same logo will be displayed on the login screen of the platform. Upload your logo on the Partner Details page.


The name of the currently logged-in user is displayed in the top right of the platform. Click on the user's name to edit user details or log out of the platform.

Partner Name

Your company (or partner name) is displayed at the top of the navigation menu. An avatar is also displayed to the left of the company name. Upload your avatar on the Partner Details page. 

Company Name

Clients associated with your company are displayed in the Company drop-down menu. Select a company to view company-specific data or deselect a company to view the aggregate data of all companies. The More Filters button may also be used to retrieve data.

Within the navigation panel, there are multiple menu items. The tabs allow the user to open, interact with, and modify certain elements of the application and modules. These include, but are not limited to, Company Settings, Clarity reporting, and the Lead Calendar and List, among many others. 


Your platform landing page is the Dashboard. Click on the Dashboard tab or your logo in the header to return to the Dashboard from any point within the platform. A quick glance at your clients' performance is provided in the form of Metric Tiles, App Tiles, and Charts. Adjust the data presented by choosing a predefined or custom date range. Click the More Filters button to adjust what data is presented.


Leads can be viewed in a calendar or list view. Navigate between the calendar and list view by clicking on the appropriately labeled tab. Click the More Filters button to adjust what data is presented.

Lead Calendar: Click on the forward or back chevrons to view future or previous appointments or meetings. Click on Month, Week, or Day to change the timeframe displayed. The Lead Calendar only displays appointments or meetings. Click Lead List to view information or leads generated by all modules. App tiles below the Lead Calendar display the number of leads, tours, live chats, and offers claimed during the selected timeframe.

Leads List: the user can use the date filter to view a specific time period. Leads can also be exported to a .csv (comma-separated value) file for reporting purposes. By clicking on a lead, youwill be delivered to the Customer Information page where more information about the customer can be found.


View and reply to SMS text message conversations between customers and the company. For more information, view the article about messages and message management.


Access and manage the apps or modules that have been enabled for the company. The ability to create and modify apps is dependent on the role and permissions of the user. For more information about each app, see the associated knowledge base article. 

Customize Page

Make aesthetic changes to the application and modules on your website. Decide which apps appear first, their layout, color theme, animation, and position on the company website.


View Widget Sessions, Lead Metrics, Conversion Rates, and see Matchback reports all in one spot. Gain valuable insights, such as sessions per UTM category and source, where new leads come from, and how many leads were generated. Enhance your experience with Clarity by configuring your own personal dashboard and schedule automated reports.


  1. Company Settings: Configure company details, such as addresses, logos, notification email addresses, and provide users access.
  2. Email Templates: Update autogenerated emails with company brand messaging to ensure customers receive consistent messaging across all channels.
  3. Availability: Create module-specific schedules to set modules active during business hours or generate available appointment time slots.
  4. Features: Enable or disable the modules that are available to a specific company.
  5. Remote AuthsRename third-party calendars to be more easily identified.
  6. API KeysGenerate API Keys to give third-party applications and integrations access to data in the platform.
  7. CRM ConfigurationsNever miss a lead with CRM Integration. Simply choose the associated CRM from the CRM Configuration section and input the required variables.
  8. Matchback Import: Upload customer lists or rent rolls to Matchback and find out which customers or residents were initially leads that converted through one of the enabled modules. 
  9. QuestionsWhile predefined questions may be available, company-specific questions can be created in the Questions section to gather even more details from customers that better align with a company’s offerings.


  1. Partner Details: Configure your company's contact information, brand colors, and images for an immersive user experience. 
  2. Host Settings: Define your company's custom or subdomains and Sender email to ensure your clients know to whom they're speaking.
  3. Billing: Obtain a snapshot of your active clients, estimated renewal cost, and a brief history of payments. You can even verify the payment method on file and update it as needed.
Payment information is stored by a third-party to ensure security.


Login credentials and roles can be created, modified, exported, and deleted from the Users tab. See the Roles and Permissions article for more information.


  1. View recent changes within the platform and the user associated with the change in the Audit Logs section.
  2. Create additional filtering options and reporting efficiencies by creating and assigning Business Categories or industries to your clients.
  3. Provide clients with predefined Holiday calendars to quickly block out unavailable days in the Holidays section.
  4. Design a set of questions that your clients can quickly choose from to save time when launching modules on their site. For example, an apartment community may often ask a customer how many bedrooms the customer is looking for. Rather than create this question for each client, create it one time in the Questions section to make it available to all clients.
  5. Review SMS messages received by clients in the SMS Messages section.


Click this tab to access the platform knowledge base, submit a question, or request a feature.


Click the user at the top right of the platform then select Logout to end your session. 

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